OMG has it really been two months already! I swear I thought I just wrote my one month down blog like it was yesterday. Oh wait... this one is like a little over 5 days late y'all...cut me some slack. I know I wrote my one month blog on time, but shit happens right. :)
So, this month has been very busy unlike the first one. Still no visitors, but we have managed to go on a tremendous amount of play dates. Mesias started soccer practice with the 3 year old even though he is only 2. So far he has done a fantastic job as a team member with following directions and playing like a true champ.
I can't believe my 2 year old knows how to work a iPhone 6, identify and place a call to his grandma's, uncles, aunts and cousins. He likes to make a personal request to speak with them every day. During the past month, I have truly realized how much energy you need to keep up with a 2 year old these days. Talk about mamma needing a break. :)
Another month down full of nothing but fun and blessings, so keep'em coming!!