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One Month Down

Writer's picture: Blonigen BlogBlonigen Blog

Can you believe it's been almost 3 years ago since our very first deployment experience?

Last time it was just Mesias and now we have 15 month old twins Bella and Baron who are going through their very first deployment.

One month down and the unknown to go. When I see it written out like that, it feels like an eternity. But thank goodness it's FRIDAY! Today is RED FRIDAY and we wear red to remember everyone deployed especially during the holidays.

The first month of a deployment makes me think of the first month after bringing home a new baby: you are a bit scared but you are also excited and optimistic. You’re adjusting to a new schedule, learning new ways of doing things, and the baby sleeps most the time so despite everything, you’re thinking, this isn’t too bad! Fast forward a few months when you are dealing with colic, zombie-level exhaustion, and haven’t had time to wash your hair in over a week… it makes you realize how good you really had it that first month.

With my partner in life and parenting gone, there is no one else to play with, interact with, and care for Mesias, Bella and Baron. There is also no one else to help do the dishes or clean up around the house. Now if only I had Mary Poppins’ cleaning magic. Those things take up most of my time now. I had created a “Deployment Bucket List” but I’m realizing that I am going to accomplish much less this year than I originally hoped.

Mesias, Bella and Baron so far are taking the first month pretty well. I mean it's only the first month and I am pretty sure we have plenty of emotional tantrums in our near future.

For Thanksgiving break we volunteered at our local veteran's home and delivered supplies and served food. Mesias really enjoyed handing out dessert and asking if anyone wanted apple, pumpkin, or blueberry pie. He is such a great little helper. I was not excepting too much from him, but he sure did surprise me. Bella and Baron did good playing in their play pin and entertaining some of the residents with their cuteness. After they both ate dinner, they both fell asleep for the remainder of the night which was awesome while we finished serving and cleaned up. For Thanksgiving we spent it at Dave and Busters with other military families with loved ones deployed and had a blast.



Month 1 events:

  • The dish washer stopped working and the car oil change light came on less than a week after Tony left… it’s the deployment curse, something like that always happens right after they leave! Luckily, the dish washer was an easy fix and the oil change process with twins went smooth since they were sleeping, but all seriousness...Synthetic vs. Organic Motor Oil? All this time I thought organic oil would better for your car, besides your health, body, mind and soul. Apparently, synthetic oils promise extended oil life and better engine protection. Organic oils are typically cheaper, but they can break down faster. As much as I enjoyed learning more about my cars engine, battery life, and what oils work best for my engine, I have to give major props to my husband for handling the cars maintenance.

  • Garbage disposal broke down a few weeks before Thanksgiving. I think it was trying to remind me, not to put a lot of food in there.

  • The kids and I enjoyed volunteering at one of our favorite beaches where we picked up trash while soaking up sun. Then we had picnic style lunch and played frisbee.

  • For thanksgiving we had the honor to serve dinner to our local veterans nursing homes. Mesias liked walking around asking if anyone wanted pie.

  • Mesias started flag football and loves it so far.

Month 1 accomplishments:

  • I put up our outside Christmas decorations outside.

  • Acey Poo Poo (fur baby) did his first holiday photo shoot (preview in our next month post).

  • I put up our new holiday photo frames.

  • Finished last years Shutterfly photo book album.

  • Started my work out plan and so far down 10 lbs. Which just might be all gained back due to a few thanksgiving fest we attended.

  • Officially sent out our Christmas family photos to our friends, family and our favorite organizations that we volunteer for.

  • 50 volunteer hours completed.

Our blackboard.

The only photo's that didn't have Bella being fancy and tired of waiting for lunch (note to self...NEVER make kids take photos on a empty stomach). Baron literally just woke up from a nap in one shot, so all you get is a yawn and Mesias was over the 30 failed shots before it began, here's his fake smile. Happy One Month Down!

I hope you have a blessed day and weekend. I pray that you can spend it with loved ones and that you get to eat a LOT!

If you’re far from those you love, I pray that your heart is full knowing you are loved, and I hope you are reunited soon!

xoxo, Krystal

On to month two!


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