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How To Create a Lovely Valentine’s Day Care Package

This would be my 2nd time sending off a Valentines Day Care Package to my husband and I found this day to be the toughest time during the deployment. Regardless of how creative I am, I still needed to find inspiration. Pinterest is literally the best visual discovery tool created.

I have plenty of military friends who are dealing with Valentines Day on their own. I know many spouses are telling themselves that it’s not a big deal and it’s just a dumb greeting card holiday – but the day will still be hard, anyway. That’s why I created this tutorial with Valentine’s Day care package ideas for friends. When someone we know is having a hard time, we want to hold them up and love them through it. Because that’s just what military spouses do.

Here you can find step-by-step, recipes and gifts made by me.

1. Gather your supplies. I am sure everyone knows that Dollar Tree and/or Family Dollar is the first place you should shop for your supplies to decorate the box itself. I wanted to create a care package with a cozy comfort theme, but not to expensive. I shopped for things that struck me as soothing. Since it’s Valentine’s Day and I’m not above clichés, I also wanted to include plenty of chocolate, something alcohol-related and lots of pink and red. Now before I get to the "here's what I ended up with part", but first here's a quick story.

Valentines Day of 2012 my boyfriend at the time (now husband) was not expecting a care package during Valentines Day. Now, all my close friends and families knows how romantic and flirty I am. When Tony got a call from the mail office on the ship to come pick up a packaged that he received, oh boy did he get shit that day. Literally his captain, and ship mates was giving him crap with the fact that the entire box was pink. He started blushing and they were trying to figure out who was the special women in his life.

Here’s what I ended up with:

2. Decorate your box. This time I decided to use tissue paper and decorative strips for inside the box. I think it really livens up the inside of the box without a ton of effort. Valentines Day 2012 I used paint for the inside of the box to make it more easier. I personally like to change it up a bit.

3. Pack your goodies. With my box looking great, I took a few minutes to cutsie-up my gifts. I tossed loose fake red flowers, chocolate, and some of his favorite goodies for this special day.

That’s it! Even though it is going to be a solo Valentine's deployment day for me, I still enjoyed being creative while showing how much I love and appreciate my sailor being away.

What do you like to include in a Valentine’s Day care package for a friend or your loved ones?



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