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It's officially a new year of many blessings to come. What better way to start off with a look at my 2017 bucket list of action plans and goals to tackle this year. 

"If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals." –Lou Holtz

I think action plans and goal setting, in general, is really important for me.  Without some attainable goals in the various part of my life, it's really, really easy to get distracted by things like unhealthy habits or career and being in a negative environment. Goals keep me making progress and enjoying the moment, leaving no time to worry about that other stuff.  So yeah, I have a lot of various to do lists going, but I'm good with that! As for the new year, sometimes I make action plans and goals, sometimes I pick a word of the year or a theme. All depends on how I'm feeling in that moment (the moment when I'm typing up the corresponding blog post, that is.) I kind of did both this year, making this a rather excessive post so you might want to grab a cup of tea and settle in. 

First up, let's talk goals. A few months ago back in November leading up to the holidays was my last post. After taking a break, I wanted one of the New era with a new year task. That task was to fill out my bucket list page in my 2017 Simplified Planner. Filling out that list was just about the first goal I checked off. 

1. Plan a Getaway

We really enjoy traveling and going on adventures. Last year we weren't able to travel as much due to Tony being deployed half of the year. 

2. 4th Birthday for Mesias Mesias turns 4 in June!  I think I already know what we're planning on doing, but it'll depend on work schedules if I can plan it all out like we want. But regardless, there will be a very fun 4th birthday celebration especially since we will finally have close family visiting us this summer.

3. Save $10,000 in One Year                                    

One goal on my 101 list is to continue to save and buy a home one day. There's nothing like having money in the savings account just sitting there and not just for emergency's, just by itself.  Outside of investments and all that.  Just as a challenge! 

4. Grow My Blog 

I need to flesh this out with some specific ideas.  I'd like it to grow but since numbers don't really reflect how I want it to grow, I can't say growing = X number of followers.  Perhaps page views, comments, re-pinned posts, something along those lines would be a better indicator.  Let me know how you track your blog growth.

5. Limit Facebook activities

My family and friends sometimes wonder why I barely like or comment on their recent or past updates. I have over 1k friends on Facebook. Imagine how my timeline looks every day. I'll leave it at that. I usually use Facebook for five reasons: 

Staying in touch with close family and friends.
Looking at my On This Day of past memories.
Hilarious videos. 
Blonigen Blog. 


6. Post more vlogs

I'm not naive enough to think that I'll post daily vlogs like some of my close friends and family do but right now I post like 2 a month and then nothing for a couple of months. I'm thinking at least being more consistent with 1-2 a month would be doable.

7. Improve My Flexibility

Lately I've been rather taking a haphazard approach to improving my flexibility. Which has almost lead me to injuries. This time I need to take it slow and set below to gain new ranges of motion and prevent poor posture. Just look at my goals list!  It's all over the place.  

8. Stay fit and healthy

This is always on my list.  Remember that when I talk about my word/theme of the year down below.

9. Finish My Monthly Meal Plan PDF

Well, almost finish. My end date isn't until the  beginning of next year, but I'm moving it up to December of this year because I already have a few months from last year finished. I definitely think I can do it.

10. Make $1,000 Per Month Online

This is a lofty goal since I don't blog full time and I don't intend to. I spend at least 6 hours a day in my office and volunteer a lot at least 2-4 hours per week. Not a lot of time left to be doing things online. But I'm going to try to reach $1,000 each month either through the blog, swagbucks, online surveys, whatever else I have time for, I haven't totally planned out a strategy yet.  This is where a lot of the money I mentioned in #3 will come from.

11. Volunteer at local beaches more.

For those of you who don't know, I have a big passion for volunteering and I find it to be one of the keys to happiness. This past year, I started volunteering and doing beach clean-ups a few times a month for 4 hours with my son Mesias. He really enjoyed picking up trash and pointing at things to pick up. It truly melts my heart to see him making a little difference one beach at a time. 

12. Dress Up For Halloween

For the past few years we have been slacking with dressing up for Halloween. Our son and Acey Poo (furbaby) is usually the only one's dressing up while we plan for handing out the BIG candy for everyone in the neighborhood. I need to get ideas flowing. This will be the year we dress up. 

13. Post 100 Blog Posts

Tough but not impossible.  I wrote over 100 in 2011, so I know I can do it again. Motivation will be the key. 

14. 5K/2-Mile Walk 
15. Revive YouTube Channel 
16. Paint Nails More Often
17. Visit Tijuana (TJ)

Theme of the Year - Follow Through

What are your plans for embracing the new year?  Do you make resolutions and spend January clearing the clutter out of your life?  If you have any tips on my bucket list, let me know in the comments.  Also if you want to see any future blog posts about any of these (how I checked them off, how my progress is going) just let me know, I can definitely track them.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  You can also join me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.  In addition to minimalism and organizing, I love all things 'real life' so tag me on social media so I can see your beautifully unstaged life. You can follow me on Wordpress, Bloglovin or subscribe via e-mail to be alerted to each new post.


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